An average person in today's society is bombarded with daily messages about exercise and workout, healthy fitness programs and now with the information about workout equipements. Many are the fitness equipements, but Bowflex Revolution Home Gym stands out for the following reasons.
With the Bowflex Revolution Home Gym the person who works out will see and feel the results of fitness from the first day of Bowflex Revolution use. This home gym will allow to do 100 exercises with up to 400 workout variations. The Bowflex Revolution Home Gym gives an opportunity to have a low impact workout with high impact results; this system will work every major body zone which will allow you to reach a higher level of fitness.
Learning about Bowflex Revolution Home Gym exercise equipement one can be put off with the price of the equipment, however it was only until I started to research their products more that I understood that you pay for what you get, and the Bowflex has to be one of the best home gym systems out there. However, please do not take my word for it, do your homework and you will see for yourself.
The Bowflex Revolution Home Gym is very smooth and very versatile as it uses SpiraFlex Resistance Technology, this helps to duplicate free weights. There are four forms of major workouts that you can do with the Bowflex Revolution and that is, Upper Body Workouts, Lower Body Workouts, Core and Abs Workout and Cardio Workout.
Irregular Exercise Pattern May Add Pounds
The consequences of quitting exercise may be greater than previously thought, according to a new study from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory that determined that the weight gained during an exercise hiatus can be tough to shed when exercise is resumed at a later date.
The study, conducted by Paul Williams of Berkeley Lab’s Life Sciences Division, found that the key to staying trim is to remain active year-round, year-after-year, and to avoid seasonal and irregular exercise patterns. Most of all, don’t quit. Failure to do so may be a contributing factor in the nation’s obesity epidemic.
“The price to pay for quitting exercise is higher than expected, and this price may be an important factor in the obesity epidemic affecting Americans,” says Williams, whose study is published in the February issue of the journal Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise.
The study should prompt people to think twice before taking a break from their exercise regimens, despite the pressures of family and work obligations, or waning motivation.
Using data collected from the National Runners’ Health Study, Williams found that the impacts of increasing and decreasing vigorous exercise aren’t the same among all runners. At distances above 20 miles per week in men and 10 miles per week in women, the pounds gained by running less were about the same as the pounds lost by running more. At these exercise levels, the effects of training and quitting training are comparable, and the weight gains and losses associated with changes in exercise levels are probably reversible.
However, Williams found that people who didn’t run as many miles per week face an uphill battle if they want to lose the pounds accumulated during an exercise hiatus. At these less intense levels, an interruption in exercise produces weight gain that is not lost by simply resuming the same exercise regimen.
“At lower mileages, there is asymmetric weight gain and loss from increasing and decreasing exercise, leading to an expected weight gain from an exercise hiatus,” says Williams. “In other words, if you stop exercising, you don’t get to resume where you left off if you want to lose weight.”
Specifically, Williams compared 17,280 men and 5,970 women who decreased their running distance with 4,632 men and 1,953 women who increased their running distance over a 7.7-year period. He found that runners who decreased their distance from five to zero miles per week gained four times as much weight as those who decreased their distance from 25 to 20 miles per week. He also found that people who started running after an exercise layoff didn’t lose weight until their mileage exceeded 20 miles per week in men, and 10 miles per week in women.
Williams says his findings suggest that an effective public health policy for preventing weight gain may need to include a strategy to keep physically active people active. His study also underscores the importance of avoiding start-stop exercise patterns. Exercise designed to prevent obesity may fall short of its benefits if the exercise is irregular, seasonal, or often interrupted.
“We are getting fat because we don’t exercise sufficiently and consistently. The real solution to the obesity epidemic is getting people to exercise before they think they need it, and to stick with it,” says Williams. “The ounce of prevention is indeed worth a pound of cure.”
A study by Williams published in the same journal in August, 2007, revealed that middle-age weight gain is reduced by one-half in runners who ran 30 or more miles per week, compared to runners who ran less than 15 miles per week. These results, in conjunction with this more recent study, suggest a new way of tackling the obesity problem.
“Many scientists attribute the obesity epidemic to excess calories rather than exercise, because dieting has been shown to produce more weight loss than exercise,” says Williams. “My findings suggest that calorie intake and body weight may be self regulating in active individuals.”
The study, "Asymmetric Weight Gain and Loss From Increasing and Decreasing Exercise" is published in the February 2008 issue of the journal Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise. It was supported in part by grants from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute.
Exercise Your Body And Mind While At Work
You don't have to back away from the computer to take a break. In fact, your computer will help you enjoy quick five minute workouts throughout your day! With FLOW you can burn calories and lose weight while remaining in your seat. The over consuming schedules of modern day business life make it almost impossible to find the time to exercise throughout the workday. In addition, over-reliance on technology has dramatically limited our daily physical activity, and sitting for long hours in one position can increase the risk of becoming overweight and developing osteoporosis, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and musculoskeletal problems. Now, thanks to FLOW software program, this much needed daily physical activity has become available to everyone. FLOW is a convenient and indispensable new tool for anyone desk bound during the work week.
The FLOW program is endorsed by best selling author and celebrity trainer, Kathy Kaehler. This fitness guru has worked with celebrities such as Julia Roberts, Michelle Pheiffer, Cindy Crawford, Lisa Marie Presley, Denise Richards, Claudia Schiffer, Kim Basinger and most recently Kim Kardashian. Kathy is always looking for the latest in fitness tools and was instantly attracted to FLOW for the convenience it provides. She feels that "if working out at home or at a gym is impossible, then an office workout is crucial since many Americans work long hours sitting at desks with very limited physical activity."
FLOW recently received the National Health & Wellness Club Member Tested & Recommended Seal of Approval and further information can be found in the March/April 2008 issue of Today's Health & Wellness magazine.
What is FLOW?
The FLOW workout program provides seven five-minute video exercises to be performed while sitting at a desk. Complete with a "virtual coach" and a nutrition center, FLOW contains all the elements that help you stay on track to a healthier body. With the program, you also have access to tons of inspiring affirmations that promote the healthier lifestyle and daily reminders that fuel your self confidence and determination, even in the midst of a stressful workday.
Your pre-set exercise intervals (15 min, 30 min., one-hour, two-hours) will pop-up on a screen throughout your workday, inviting you to do "sit-exercises." You can engage in as many five-minute exercise sessions as you like throughout the day. All exercises are conveniently designed to be performed in a sitting position at your desk and cover all the major muscle groups including chest, abdominal, biceps/triceps, shoulders, back, legs and full body stretching.
If you are on a diet, FLOW can help maintain your motivation to eat properly through motivational messages, ensuring you stay on track and eat healthy.
Why is FLOW so Important to Modern Day Life?
FLOW is a very timely tool that has come to the business world because of the severe consequences of modern sedentary lifestyles (i.e. sitting at a computer all day). The lack of physical activity during the day is leading to the development of such health problems as: hearth disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, weight gain, muscular-skeletal problems, repetitive movement injuries, and depression and anxiety.
The founder/creator of FLOW, Dr. Renee Nasajon (Florida licensed psychologist) describes FLOW as, "a program that facilitates the circulation of blood, elevates the oxygenation of your brain, releases tension from your muscles, gives you a greater capacity for concentration, creates a better mood, and decreases cravings for sweets, caffeine, and tobacco." By initiating several spurts of physical activity throughout the day, FLOW helps to automatically increase your mental alertness and physical energy, while releasing stress and its detrimental effects on the body and the mind.
FLOW forces you to take a five minute break every hour or so to move your body, which will make you burn extra calories, pump blood into your brain and the rest of your extremities, oxygenizing your whole body and giving a break to the heart. In addition, it helps you activate the inner muscles that eventually will help you burn the "inner fat" or the fat tissue surrounding your organs and that is dangerous for your health.
What are the Benefits of FLOW for Employers?
Created with the desk-bound office employee in mind, FLOW will positively impact a company's bottom line. An economically efficient program, FLOW motivates employees to take healthy breaks and get active. In addition to the obvious health benefit, employees will experience an increase in their productivity. The Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report found that 66% of employed adults in the U.S. do not engage in moderate or vigorous physical activity beyond work and also that daily occupations of almost 60% of the population do not demand moderate physical activity. However, companies that encourage activity among their workers experience an increase in profitability by taking care of their employees' health. Healthier employees results in lowered health care costs for the company and lower chances of paying worker's compensation in the future.
A recent pilot study testing FLOW efficacy found that employees who used FLOW for five consecutive months experienced:
-- significant drop in blood pressure
-- substantial increase in physical activity outside working hours
-- greater feelings of energy and alertness
-- decreased tension
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